Estudio sobre maltrato-Infamilia.pdf
Study: Research

Prácticas de Crianza y Resolución de Conflictos Familiares. Prevalencia de Maltratos Intrafamiliar contra niños, niñas y adolescentes

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Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, Programa Infamilia, Montevideo

A study by The Child, Adolescent and Family Programme (INFAMILIA), established within the Ministry of Social Development of Uruguay to help improve the living conditions and social integration of socially marginalized children, adolescents and their families. In Uruguay, scarce information is reported on the characteristics and magnitude of the psychological, sexual and/or physical abuse of children and adolescents which occur within the family unit. This report focuses on the nature and prevalence of violent and non-violent disciplinary child rearing practices in the country, and it is hoped that the presentation of the results of the study may contribute to the development of policies and programmes to prevent and respond to violence in the family setting.

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