Potecting and Promoting Diverse SOGIESC Rights in the Context of Child’s Rights 2019 – 2022 thumbnail

Potecting and Promoting Diverse SOGIESC Rights in the Context of Child’s Rights 2019 – 2022

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nepal

The report critically evaluates the achievements made by the FRI funded and Save the Children implemented Child Rights’ Program 2019-2022. The assessment adopted criteria of effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability to evaluate the program. The program aimed to protect and promote the rights of children and youth whose Sexual Orientation, Gender Identities and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) differ from the prevailing cultural norms in their society at a given time (henceforth referred to as children and youth with diverse SOGIESC) in four countries, namely, Cambodia, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam. The four countries worked within the overarching program’s result framework, although each of the country had tailored its framework to measure its achievements and ensure a contextualized approach.

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