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English, Spanish
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Parents, communities and governments around the world are recognizing children’s rights to protection from physical punishment and to discipline that respects their dignity. Increasingly, parents are being advised to use “positive discipline”. But parents often ask, “What is positive discipline and how do I do it?” This book provides concrete answers to questions about Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting, PDEP. It sets out 4 clear principles of positive discipline. Parents will learn how to: 1) set goals, 2) create a positive home climate, 3) understand how children think and feel, and 4) problem solve in challenging situations. They will practise their skills in hands-on exercises. And they will learn how to apply the same principles across a wide range of situations.
This book is aimed at parents of children of all ages, from infancy to adolescence. It also can be used by family support workers, parent educators, and other professionals who work with parents and children.
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