Study: Research

Parenting without Violence (PwV) Review of Evidence

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Save the Children International

Parenting without Violence (PwV) was adopted as one of Save the Children’s Common Approaches in 2017 based on promising evidence that interventions implemented across the socio-ecological model (child, interpersonal, community, and system levels) can reduce physical and humiliating punishment (PHP) of children in the home. In April 2023, this common approach was renamed ‘Safe Families’, but continues to be referred to as PwV throughout this report.

The purpose of this review was to:
1. Document the current situation of the uptake of the PwV Common Approach in different programmes/projects
2. Collate evidence on the effectiveness of the PwV Common Approach
3. Assess the level of focus on gender transformation in PwV design and implementation
4. Assess whether changes due to PwV interventions are sustainable and scope opportunities for generating evidence of long-term impact

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