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Overcoming Crisis Together: Save the Children’s Cash-for-Food Response in Tigray, Ethiopia – a Humanitarian Fund

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Save the Children Ethiopia,Save the Children International

This synthesis showcases how Save the Children leveraged its internal funds to implement a cash-for-food project amidst drought and conflict in Tigray. The initiative successfully addressed food insecurities by reaching 3,347 households, surpassing the initial target by 50%, and providing cash transfers to cover three months’ worth of food requirements at 2,000 kcal/person daily.

The report encompassed reviewing project documents, PDM reports, interviews with stakeholders, focus group discussions, and field observations. Key findings include the project has saved lives, improved nutritional status, reduced negative coping strategies, and enhanced education and health outcomes. The project was proven to be relevant, coherent, and efficient in achieving its objectives. Lessons learned include establishing a system for managing cash distributions, community engagement, and an appeal and verification committee for better accountability.

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