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Save the Children International,Save the Children US
Choices is a gender-focused curriculum for very young adolescents (VYAs) between the ages of 10-14 years that aims to create positive social and behavior change. Through a series of 10 hour-long participatory sessions, the curriculum challenges girls’ and boys’ views on restrictive gender norms, promotes gender equity and encourages dialogue with peers and family members to improve gender attitudes more broadly. By intervening with children during early adolescence, a critical window of opportunity for formulating positive attitudes and behaviors as children transition into adulthood, Choices lays the foundation for gender-equitable attitudes over the life course. An external evaluation of Choices found that VYAs who participated in the program expressed significantly improved gender attitudes and behaviors compared to those who did not participate. The program has since been adapted for use in over 10 countries. Choices is part of a multi-level package of resources – Choices, Voices, Promises, Commitments – that aims to transform gender and social norms for improved education and health outcomes for girls and boys.
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