Study: Research

Offenders on the Move: Global study on sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism 2016

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ECPAT International

The first of its kind, this global study on sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (SECTT) explores emerging trends and possible solutions. Marking the 20th anniversary of the 1st World Congress on the Sexual Exploitation of Children, the study shows that no region of the world is untouched by SECTT.

The study shows that, despite 20 years of efforts to end SECTT, more children than ever before are being affected. Growth of travel and tourism, data gaps, and power imbalances are all contributing factors that the study identifies as playing a key role in the growth of SECTT.

Conclusions are made in the form of new definitions and a greater understanding of SECTT as well as a series of recommendations for international, regional, and national legislative bodies as well as for non-governmental organisations.

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