Reports, Study: Assessments, Study: Evaluations, Study: Research

Mid-term Evaluation of the ‘Linking Agribusiness and Nutrition’ (LAN) Project in Mozambique: A Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) Study- September 2019

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Save the Children Mozambique,Save the Children UK

The ‘Linking Agribusiness and Nutrition’ (LAN) project in Mozambique is a collaborative effort between Save the Children (STC) and Helen Keller International (HKI) and funded by the Department for International Development (DFID). This initiative, in partnership with provincial and district Health and Agricultural offices, commenced its implementation in November 2017 and will continue until March 2021. Operating in 100 communities across ten districts in Manica and Tete provinces, the LAN project employs a holistic approach to enhance the nutritional well-being of women and children in marginalized households. It encompasses interventions in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), nutrition, agriculture, savings, and gender, with the goal of reaching even more beneficiaries through mass media and campaigns along the Beira corridor.

To assess the project’s mid-term progress, this evaluation utilised the Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) evaluation approach, conducting fieldwork in June-July 2019. The study involved 48 individual farmer interviews and 8 focus group sessions, aiming to answer key evaluation questions, including changes in respondents’ lives, drivers behind these changes, and their connection to the LAN project. Although the study was not double-blinded due to logistical constraints, the authors believe that it provides an unbiased reflection of LAN participants’ views, capturing their engagement, experiences, behavior changes, causal claims, and perceptions of outcomes.

This report shares the findings and recommendations from the QuiP evaluation.

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