Study: Research

Mainstreaming Inclusive Education: Sharing good practices

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Save the Children Sweden

Save the Children defines inclusive education as “one dimension of a rights-based quality education which emphasises equity in access and participation and responds positively to the individual learning needs and competencies of all children. Inclusive education is child-centred and places the responsibility of adaptation on the education system rather than on the individual child. Together with other sectors and the wider community, it actively works to ensure that every child, irrespective of gender, language, ability, religion, nationality or other characteristics, is supported to meaningfully participate and learn alongside his/her peers and develop to his/her full potential.” Inclusive education thus means that different and diverse students learn side by side in the same classroom, while receiving support for their individual learning needs.

The primary aim of this documentation is to provide a deeper understanding of how projects have applied more inclusive concepts in not only changing the lives of children with disabilities, those living in poverty or children from ethnic minority populations, their families and communities, but in catalysing changes in policies and practices to the education system to benefit all learners.

The stories follow a common structure describing the background of the project, a description of an approach that has worked especially well in the project, followed by stakeholder and partner engagement, participation of children, key milestones and significant challenges, scalability and sustainability, recommendations for replication and contact links for project tools and materials. A selection of practical tools and models have been attached as annexes. 

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