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Save the Children International
Children today are growing up in crisis.
Across the world, 183 million children face the triple threat of high climate risk, poverty and conflict. A world still reeling from the human and economic impacts of a global pandemic now faces a hunger crisis the size and severity of which has never been seen before – at least 153 million children are facing food insecurity globally.
This year, through a Children’s Week of Action, Save the Children engaged with
3000 children in 29 countries and heard about the changes they want to see. We have collected the quotes, pictures and poetry they shared in order to pass them on to decision makers from around the world. In this brief are included a selection of those quotes, along with a few others from our 2022 ‘child hearings’, a series of consultations that Save the Children held with 58,035 children across 46 countries to hear their thoughts about the climate and inequality crisis.
This digest captures common views and experiences that children shared with us and want you to know about. They reaffirm that progress the world has made for sustainable development is in peril.
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