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Case Studies and Success Stories

Let’s Play: In Emergencies—Play Every Day, Play Every Way

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(28.2 MiB)


Save the Children International

Case Study Series to Showcase how Play has been Integrated into Save the Children Programming

The case studies included in this series span many different age ranges, require different resources and rely on different methods. However, each project shared help here promotes every child’s right to play, showing that play can be included in any emergency, in any context, and with positive results.

Play can often be left behind in times of emergencies. Children leave behind their favorite playmates and playthings when they are displaced: caregivers haves less time for play while negotiating all the new challenges of their changing world; and service providers focus on providing key life-saving services to ensure survival above playtime. All of these challenges are exacerbated by increased stress and anxiety when entering a new, unfamiliar, and often scary situation.

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