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Save the Children Sweden
A Save the Children publication specially prepared for children and adolescents on the follow up work on the recommendations of the United Nations Study on Violence against Children. It reflects the outcome of a two-day regional event hosted in Asunción, Paraguay, in April 2011, which gathered high level representatives from a number countries in the region, NGOs, international experts and children who were able to exchange their experiences and voice their needs directly to child rights organisations and decision-makers. The publication, which is divided into four parts, tells you about: 1. The Study conducted by the UN on the issue of violence facing children and young people and their recommendations to countries to prevent and stop all forms of violence against children; 2. The South American Follow-Up Event to the recommendations of the UN Study, particularly with regard to the attendance of children and young people’s networks and organisations; 3. The proposed “Road Map”, which is a suggested way forward, including a number of ideas and actions to track progress on the implementation of the recommendations of the Study; 4. A manifest drawn up by children from across Latin America, calling for a stronger commitment and the implementation of concrete actions that will effectively end violence against childrent in the region. A list of recommended materials to learn more about how to end violence against children is included at the end of this publication.
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