Lao PDR Achieves Historic Milestone: Prohibiting corporal punishment in all settings thumbnail
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Lao PDR Achieves Historic Milestone: Prohibiting corporal punishment in all settings

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Laos

On April 30, 2024, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) achieved a significant victory by becoming the 66th state globally, and the first ASEAN country, to ban corporal punishment ofchildren in all settings, including the home. This landmark decision marks a crucial step towards fostering a culture of respect for children and promoting positive discipline throughout society. The announcement was made by the country’s Vice Minister of Justice, H.E. Mr. KongchiYangchue, during a press conference on the ‘International Day to End Corporal Punishment’. The ban is the culmination of nearly two decades of commitments from the Lao PDR Government, supported through advocacy efforts from organizations such as Save the Children and UNICEF.


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