Study: Research

La stimulation psychosociale et affective dans les situations de crises alimentaires et nutritionnelles au Niger

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Government of Niger,Play Therapy Africa,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

Psychosocial and emotional stimulation in the context of emergency food interventions in Niger – a critical review of the response mechanisms to address food insecurity in Niger. Research has shown that the survival rate of malnourished children during food crises critically depends not just on the availability of appropriate therapeutic food, but also on the emotional and physical stimulations available for both the child and the caregiver (usually the mother). Studies have likewise shown that the combined use of emergency nutrition support and emotional stimulation techniques provides for: (i) lower malnutrition rates, (ii) a higher rate of child survival, and (iii) quicker recovery from malnutrition. Hunger and food insecurity cause serious mental or cognitive disabilities, especially in young children due to chronic nutritional deficits, lack of social/emotional stimulation, parent-child emotional detachment, withdrawal and neglect. At the same time, parent-child emotional deficiencies cause reduced food intake and significantly diminish the overall survival rate of children. This publication is the product of a joint effort between UNICEF & Play Therapy Africa (PTA).

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