
Izveštaj o Klimatskim Promenama i Zaštiti Životne Sredine u Opštini S. Mitrovica

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Serbian, English


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Save the Children International,Save the Children Kosovo

Izveštaj o Klimatskim Promenama i Zaštiti Životne Sredine u Opštini S. Mitrovica

Konsenzus je da je podizanje sv esti građana ključna stavka u smanjenju posledica ovih problema. Mladi kao pr vo potencijalno rešenje vide aktivnu i široku kampanju o značaju zdr ave i čiste životne sredine, smanjenju štetnog uticaja ljudi na klimatsk e promene.

Report on Climate Change and Environmental Protection in the Municipality of North Mitrovica

There is a consensus that raising awareness among citizens is a key item in reducing the consequences of these problems. The first potential solution that young people see is an active and broad campaign on the importance of a healthy and clean environment, and reduction of the harmful impact of people on climate change.

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