Study: Research

Investments in Children: Evidence from Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia

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Save the Children International,TJNA, Taxation Justice Network Africa

Children and youth form the bulk of the population globally. This is even more the case in developing countries including Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia as covered under this study. There have been endeavours to ensure this next generation of adults is granted opportunities to survive, thrive and attain their full potential. Globally and regionally, there are international benchmarks and aspirations to guide investments in children. These include – United Nations Convention on Rights of Children (UNCRC), the African Charter on Rights and Welfare of Children (ACRWC), the Abuja Declaration, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among others.

The study seeks to illuminate the progress and challenges the three select countries have made towards the fulfillment of the various commitments. The methodology adopted hinged on analysis of the general fiscal environment in each of the countries with a view to establish the extent to which public spending supports the policy intentions towards the achievement of various rights for children. 

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