Case Studies and Success Stories, Reports, Study: Research

Improving Child Protection Responses in Indonesia: Learning from the Protection Homes for Children (RPSAs

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Save the Children

This report, written by Florence Martin, is based on the results of research carried out as a joint collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), Save the Children in Indonesia and a team of Social Workers and Social Scientists from STKS Bandung and the University of Indonesia. The report provides interesting learning on how the State-established special child protection homes in Indonesia called Rumah Perlindungan Sosial Anak (RPSA) have a role to play in responding to child protection concerns. It reviews the capacity and effectiveness of the RPSA-model in terms of dealing with child protection issues and the appropriateness of the response and services provided. Save the Children hopes this research will support the efforts to improve child protection responses for children and families facing serious child protection concerns. A better understanding of what is really happening to these children and what response should be developed, will help ensure that children in need of special care and protection measures are adequately supported.

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