Study: Evaluations

Impact Evaluation Report for Adolescent Girl’s Empowerment Through Education (AGREE) Project in Bangladesh

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Save the Children Bangladesh,Save the Children International

The Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment Through Education (AGREE) project was implemented across 34 villages in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh from January 2022 to January 2024. This impact evaluation aimed to assess the impact of the Life Skills for Success programming on academic outcomes and social and emotional learning skills using two comparative treatment groups. The overarching goal of AGREE was to support adolescent girls to further develop their agency by making connections between academic skills, transferable life skills, and vocational training. While the evaluation found that LS4S and vocational training did not have an impact on academic skills above and beyond the blended learning component, a small positive impact was found on three non-academic skill domains: freedom of movement, decision-making, and gender norms.

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