Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Handbook on the Rights of the Child in Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University

The jurisprudence of rights of the child in Ethiopia has not been sufficiently investigated. A comprehensive treatment of legal and policy frameworks affecting the rights of children has been lacking, especially for educational and advocacy purposes which aim at higher educational institutions and policy making public offices. The project on ‘Handbook on the Rights of the Child in Ethiopia’ aims at narrowing the gap in research and advocacy on the rights of children in Ethiopia. The Handbook’s substantive expositions focused on standards and institutions, and explored multifarious aspects of the human rights of the child in national, regional and international contexts.
While concentrating on the understanding and general measures of implementation of rights of children in Ethiopia, the systematic treatment of the subject in the Handbook incorporated important discussions involving general principles of human and civil rights and freedoms. It also held specific investigations addressing child rights in the context of family environment, alternative care, basic health and welfare, education, leisure, culture and special protection measures in the administration of justice and situations of exploitation.

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