Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Handbook on Oxygen Sources, Distribution and Need Estimation with Rational Use of Oxygen in COVID-19 Patient Management

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Save the Children,Save the Children Bangladesh,Save the Children US

Bangladesh’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, with the help of USAID’s MaMoni Maternal and Newborn Care Strengthening Project (MaMoni MNCSP), developed these guidelines to improve the clinical outcomes of patients admitted to the hospital with COVID-19. The first section will help policymakers and hospital or clinic mangers to identify the types of oxygen source technologies available in the market, and, based on need, help the hospital to submit a request or purchase the selected oxygen source technologies. This section will also support policymakers and health mangers to calculate the oxygen demand in their hospital and esnure safety by following oxygen safety guidelines. The second section is for the healthcare workers who treat patients at their bedside. This section will guide workers to provide oxygen for COVID-19 patients by following a simple flow chart. This section will also give them an understanding of different oxygen delivery devices as well as oxygen toxicity.

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