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(6.2 MiB)
Save the Children Europe,Save the Children International
The Guaranteeing Children’s Future: How to End Child Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe illustrates the challenges faced by children and families living in poverty and social exclusion in 14 European countries and territories: 9 EU Member States (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Romania) and 5 Non-EU Member States and territories (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Iceland, and Northern Ireland).
It explores the key role of services like childcare, education, healthcare, or adequate housing in addressing poverty, and analyses the state of children’s access to these services in each country. The report also looks at the participation of children and civil society in decision-making procedures, and the allocation of EU funds and national budgets for child poverty reduction and social inclusion measures. In addition, the report highlights the work of Save the Children in each of these countries to support children and families in need. Furthermore, it outlines recommendations on how to improve national child poverty reduction policies, aiming to influence the Child Guarantee Action Plans in EU Member States.
The report also covers non-EU Member States as Save the Children considers the Child Guarantee Council Recommendation as an exemplary policy framework that can inspire and serve as a basis for policymaking in countries outside the EU.
The report aims to influence the design of the national Child Guarantee Action Plans and child poverty reduction measures in non-EU Member States.
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