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Groupe de travail interagences – Directives pour la réinsertion. Directives inter-agences pour la conception et la mise en oeuvre de programmes de réinsertion

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Save the Children UK

These guidelines have been drafted to define a common approach and provide clear indications as to the elaboration of reintegration programmes. A lack of a clear, common approach to reintegration programming has been identified as a major gap by the member agencies of the West African Child Protection Network. To breach this gap, over 20 agencies attended a sub-regional Reintegration Workshop in 2006, after which a Working Group developed these Guidelines to outline guiding principles, clarify concepts, and clearly explain approaches and programme elements to support integrated and inclusive reintegration programming for children. Aimed both at programme staff of all levels and local partners – including government ministries – these Guidelines can be used as a tool throughout the programme cycle to assist staff with assessments, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

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