
Girls, Play and Power – Rapid Gender Analysis

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Save the Children International

This analysis is based on Save the Children’s  Gender and Power (GAP) Analysis Guidance. Girls globally have less time for recreational activities or collective activism. Girls work more hours and are more likely to do paid and unpaid work than boys, particularly chores and care work. Girls are deprived time to learn, to play, or to build the friendships that bring them joy, a sense of shared power, and the strength to fight for their rights, together.

To further understand the intersection between girls, power and play dynamics Save the Children carried out a rapid gender analysis across four countries: China, Indonesia, Mexico and Vietnam.

Some overall key questions guided the collection of data:

How are gendered norms, roles and responsibilities hindering opportunities for very young adolescent girls (10-13) to lead, individually or collectively, on issues that are important to them?

How can play help empower girls and support them in practicing problem-solving and teamwork, speaking out and standing up to injustice, and building friendships for solidarity?

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