Trainings, Webinars, and Presentations

Girls Decide: Life skills to protect and empower girls affected by migration and displacement

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English, French,Spanish


PDF (7.3 MiB)


Save the Children UK

Girls Decide is a lifeskills curriculum which aims to empower and protect girls in situations of migration and/or displacement so that they have safer journeys and better outcomes. Girls Decide is designed to be adapted and used in the many different contexts, stages, settings, and situations (humanitarian and development) that may characterise a girl’s journey of migration or displacement. The curriculum can be used for girls from 10 years old and upwards, including young women. Activities and content can be selected and adapted for different age groups, as well as to the time available for teams to engage with girls in situations of migration or displacement, which is highly variable across different contexts. It provides a valuable set of activities and opportunities for shared learning in Girl Friendly Spaces, Girls Clubs and other settings where we engage with girls.

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