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English, Spanish
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Save the Children
In early 2023, Girls Decide: A life skills curriculum for the protection and empowerment of girls affected by migration and displacement was launched for use by Save the Children country offices and partners.
This manual provides the elements of a training course to prepare female facilitators, and help them gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to facilitate sessions with girls from the Girls Decide curriculum.
Key objectives of the training course are:
The primary audience for the manual is Save the Children and/or partner staff (usually child protection or gender technical advisers) who will train female community-based facilitators to facilitate the curriculum with girls of different ages and backgrounds in local settings.
The training is designed based on the principles of adult learning, ensuring reflection and experiential learning as well as maximising opportunities for the female facilitator participants to prepare and facilitate key Girls Decide sessions to enhance their facilitation skills, as well as their familiarity with the Girls Decide curriculum.
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