
Generation Hope: Responding to children’s calls to tackle the climate and inequality crisis in East and Southern Africa

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Kenya

The combined threat of climate emergency and inequality is eroding children’s rights in East and Southern Africa (ESA). Incidents of child marriage and school dropouts are on the rise as families struggle to cope with loss of livelihoods due to droughts, floods and storms. Prolonged conflicts, droughts and the worst locust swarms in 70 years have led to a food and nutrition crisis in the region which is taking a life every 48 seconds in the Horn of Africa alone.

Drawing on children’s insights and broader research and programming experience, this briefing presents five key policy areas in which action must be taken in the ESA region and globally to tackle the climate and inequality crisis and its disproportionate impact on children. The findings and recommendations in this briefing draw and build on Save the Children’s global report, Generation Hope: 2.4 billion reasons to end the global climate and inequality crisis.

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