Study: Research

Gender-sensitive Study on Urban Child Labour in Istanbul

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Turkey

A child laborer makes a most casual sight in Istanbul. In many sectors from construction to textiles, Turkey’s business capital is where thousands of children go to work on any day. In this huge metropolis of over 15 million residents, child labor has long been a given. However, is it also inescapable? Are children hopelessly destined for abusive work here forever? This report is the product of a meticulous study conducted by a group of researchers who believe otherwise. They aimed at painting a comprehensive picture of the urban child labor in Istanbul with all its push and pull factors accurately identified for both girls and boys. They went door to door to meet all stakeholders — children, parents, employers, teachers, elected officials, and experts as well as workers at public agencies and not-for-profit organizations.

This summary report pertains to the specific case of Syrian refugee children as well as those of the low-income host community and the extremely impoverished Roma people. There, readers will not only see critical statistics and insights deduced from the interviews but also hear members of those study groups speak for themselves and discuss their experiences, perceptions, hopes and fears. What follows is a long list of findings and recommendations that could be useful in actual policymaking and implementation.

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