Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Gender Equality in and through Education – INEE Pocket Guide to Gender

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English, French


pdf (1.3 MiB)


INEE, The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies

INEE Pocket Guide to Gender distils essential gender equality programming principles and provides concrete strategies for putting gender equality into practice. It is intended for anyone working to provide, manage or support education services as part of emergency preparedness, response or recovery. It first outlines useful principles for a gender-responsive approach to guide all education programming, and provides responses to some of the most common misconceptions and arguments against gender responsive education. It then gives concrete strategies and actions for putting gender equality into practice in the major domains of education in emergencies. Finally, key gender terms and a selection of resources are listed at the end of the Pocket Guide. This Pocket Guide is for anyone working to provide, manage or support education services as part of emergency preparedness, response or recovery – whether with governments, private schools, non-government organisations or international agencies.

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