
Every Last Child: The children the world chooses to forget

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Save the Children International

Extreme poverty continues to be a fatal outrage, but a disproportionate number of children who die or lose out on education are not ’just’ poor. Whether they live in a rich country or in one of the world’s poorest countries, they tend to experience a combination of poverty and discrimination. Together these two injustices add up to exclusion.

For nearly a century, Save the Children has been fighting to save children from poverty. Now we are determined to defeat an enemy every bit as deadly and destructive: the discrimination and exclusion that means millions of children are dying needlessly, being denied the chance to learn or being exposed to violence, just because of who they are.

This report tells the story of these forgotten children and sets out what is required to reach every last child.

Watch a series of short films published in conjunction with the report.

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