Enhancing Local Voice in USAID Policy Development thumbnail
Policies, Standards, and Strategies, Reports, Study: Assessments

Enhancing Local Voice in USAID Policy Development

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Save the Children US

This report evaluates the U.S. Agency for International Development’s efforts to strengthen the participation of local and national actors in the agency’s policy development process. Conducted by Save the Children in collaboration with partner organizations within the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN), the study puts forth practical recommendations to enhance USAID’s consultation with local and national stakeholders in shaping its policies. USAID has made substancial strides in advancing localization and locally led development, committing to a 25% target on direct local financing and a 50% target for amplifying local leadership in programming. However, enhanced participation of local and national actors in policy development remains a crucial and under-examined component of this agenda.

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