Reports, Study: Research

En la violencia de género no hay ni una sola víctima. Atención a los hijos e hijas de mujeres víctimas de violencia de género

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Save the Children

The report, which is part of Save the Children’s campaign “En la violencia de género no hay ni una sola víctima”, seeks to draw attention to the plight of children who witness gender and domestic violence: the invisible victims. There may be as many as 800,000 children in Spain suffering the consequences of gender violence at home and the harmful effects of a violent situation. And only 4% of that number receive specialised attention from experts. The report identifies the need to ensure the prevention of violence against children, young people and women, and the protection of victims and groups at risk. The study also points to the lack of financial and human resources and the differences between autonomous regions in Spain and other European countries in terms of care arrangements for children victims of gender violence. The target groups for the research are families, teachers, social workers, police, medical staff, judicial staff, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and public authorities.

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