Reports, Study: Research

Emergency Economies: The impact of cash assistance in Lebanon

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IRC, International Rescue Committee

An impact evaluation of the 2013-2014 Winter Cash Assistance Program for Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

This research measured the impacts of cash on numerous metrics of household well-being, negative coping strategies, and food and non-food consumption. It tested whether cash produces negative consequences, such as local-level inflation or the drawing of more refugees to regions with assistance (a “pull factor”). And finally, it sought to estimate the multiplier effect of cash aid. For every dollar of cash assistance, how much would the Lebanese economy benefit?

The research found a number of impacts from cash assistance, among them: cash assistance increases access to school and reduces child labor. The program also increases mutual support between beneficiaries and other community members, and decreases tensions within beneficiary households.’ The detailed results show changes at the level of violence in the home which is interesting.

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