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INEE, The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies
The Pocket Guide to Inclusive Education in Emergencies published by INEE’s Task Team on Inclusive Education and Disability, is a quick reference guide to help practitioners make sure that education in emergencies is accessible and inclusive for everyone, particularly those who have been traditionally excluded from education. Addressing the immediate educational needs of a diverse range of learners during emergencies is often seen as challenging, especially during the acute phase. Questions about what inclusive education looks like in practice, and how it translates into emergency settings, are common. There is often a misunderstanding that greater stability is needed before efforts to reach excluded groups can move forward. However, there are actions that everyone involved in an emergency education response can take, from the start, to include more people in learning. This guide looks at how to make education in emergencies more accessible for everyone, particularly those often excluded from education. The guide complements the INEE Minimum Standards, particularly the cross-cutting issues reflected within them related to human and children’s rights, gender, HIV/AIDS, disability and vulnerability. The booklet is for anyone working to provide, manage or support education services in emergencies, and offers practical actions that stakeholders in education in an emergency can take to improve inclusion. The booklet provides three types of information: Advice on practical ways to make each stage of an emergency response more inclusive; Ideas for addressing resistance or lack of awareness of inclusive approaches among other stakeholders; and a selection of key resources and materials that offer more detailed ideas on making emergency education responses more inclusive of marginalized groups.
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