Reports, Study: Research

Dawn in the city. Guidance for Achieving Urban Refugee Self-Reliance

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This report details findings and guidance from a qualitative, applied research initiative undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission that builds the knowledge base on urban refugees and identifies potential economic strategies and approaches to assist them inachieving self-reliance. Findings are drawn from three main sources:1. Three field assessments of urban refugee populations in Kampala, Uganda, Johannesburg, South Africa and New Delhi, India, conducted between September 2010 and April 2011; 2. Secondary research on urban displacement that focused on the realities faced by urban refugees in the pursuit of livelihoods as well as lessons from urban poverty alleviation programs; and 3. 3. Semi-structured interviews with humanitarian and development practitioners on lessons learned from
livelihoods work with urban communities. This report highlights the findings of this research and
suggests approaches to improve economic opportunities for urban refugees.

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