Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Climate Resilient Livelihoods Programming: A Guide for Country Offices

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Save the Children UK

Efforts to enhance livelihood security for children and their families are constantly under threat due to intensifying climate change effects. This underscores the need to vitally consider climate change in Save the Children’s programming. Through inclusive programming, we need to recognize that there are children who are worst affected by climate change and who are least able to adapt to climate shocks, among these are children with disabilities. This guide is meant to support country office staff (including, technical, new business development and communication, advocacy & campaigns staff) involved in designing climate change programs or utilizing programming products. In addition, we constantly reflect on and update our approaches as the climate crisis progresses, and new evidence and tools become available. This means that this guide will be revised on a regular basis, and especially in conjunction with new strategy or learning from program implementation.

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