
Child Wellbeing Assistance in Lebanon: Q1 evidence report

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Lebanon

Countries with absent or weak government social protection measures leave children and their families vulnerable to deeper poverty as livelihoods and services are disrupted.

In these contexts, cash transfers – particularly when provided alongside access to basic services and complementary interventions – can be transformational in breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty, fulfilling children’s rights, and helping families to better manage shocks that would otherwise push them deeper into poverty. Shock-responsive social protection systems are a central component for resilience and justice.

To ensure that the potential of Lebanon’s children is guaranteed, Save the Children’s cash and social protection programming delivers vital financial assistance to the most economically vulnerable families. Using market monitoring, participatory data collection from beneficiaries, and strong coordination with government and key actors, our Child Wellbeing Assistance (CWA) cash transfers are evidence-based to provide the most meaningful support directly into the hands of poor families.

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