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Child Rights and Equality – Report and Mapping List of Existing tools and guidance in the sector

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How to Child Rights series

This mapping provides an overview of recent guidance, tools, and good practices related to child rights-based equality programming, with a specific focus on gender equality, children of diverse
sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC), children with disabilities and other equity-seeking groups of children, including from indigenous groups. It was
developed through a desk review and key informant interviews.

This mapping was developed to support programming which ensures that diverse groups of children have equal access to their rights and services, with a particular emphasis on equity-seeking groups. It
will be used to guide the child rights sector and the How To Child Rights series to determine what tools and guidance to develop, focused on child rights equality work. It is also of interest to other civil society organizations working on equality programming. The mapping has the following key objectives:
• to identify gaps in existing rights-based equality guidance in terms of concepts, themes, geography; and
• to identify good practices and areas where tools and guidance on equality can make the most impact.

There are two documents on this page:

1) A report on the mapping, signposting key resources, identifying gaps and recommendations

2) An excel mapping listing all of the tools and guidance reviewed in the report

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