Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Research

The Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM)

Publication year:




Resilience Research Center

The Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM) is designed as a screening tool to explore the resources (individual, relational, communal and cultural) available to youth aged 12 to 23 years old, that may bolster their resilience. The measure was designed as part of the International Resilience Project (IRP), of the Resilience Research Centre, in collaboration with 14 communities in 11 countries around the world. This manual has been created to guide new users of the CYRM through the preparation and implementation of the measure in their own research. The manual has six sections. Section One, the Introduction, includes a brief explanation of our own interpretation of resilience, while Section Two contains suggestions to enhance contextual relevance of the CYRM-28. While following these suggestions is not mandatory to using the measure in a study, it is strongly recommended these procedures be adopted given the importance of cultural and contextual relevance in research. Section Three contains the actual measure, Section Four presents a breakdown of questions according to the original IRP ecological framework, and Section Five contains a detailed review of the development of the CYRM to date.


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