Study: Evaluations

Catch-up Clubs: Evaluation of community-led remedial and catch-up literacy learning in Bangladesh

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Save the Children Bangladesh

This report provides an impact evaluation analysis of the implementation of literacy remedial learning activities – CuCs (Catch up Clubs) – in Bangladesh in the areas of Gaibandha and Barishal. CuCs primarily aimed at supporting children in primary education level – Grades 3 to 5 – who had fallen behind on their literacy levels to improve their literacy and socio-emotional learning outcomes. The CuCs are holistic remedial learning approach, built on Save the Children’s existing expertise in community-based learning, child protection and child poverty programming, to respond and tackle the impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on children’s learning loss. It integrates elements from Pratham’s Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Approach and Save the Children’s Literacy Boost Common Approach which have successfully demonstrated rapid learning gains.

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