Cash Plus for Nutrition and Child Development in Malawi: MAZIKO midterm Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) evaluation thumbnail
Study: Evaluations, Study: Research

Cash Plus for Nutrition and Child Development in Malawi: MAZIKO midterm Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) evaluation

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Bath SDR, Bath Social and Development Research,Palm Consulting,Save the Children Malawi

MAZIKO is a Cash Plus for Nutrition and Child Development project aiming to improve maternal and child nutrition and development in Ntcheu and Balaka Districts in Malawi. In May-July 2024, a mid-term qualitative evaluation using the Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (QuIP) methodology, evaluated project participants’ perceived life changes since the project began. The evaluation found that cash transfers and health and nutritional advice were key drivers of positive change, and that cash transfers helped mothers act on the advice received. However, economic and climatic crises had a counter effect increasing food insecurity amongst those household not receiving any cash or the lower amount of cash. This evaluation highlights the important role of cash transfers, combined with behaviour change interventions to prevent malnutrition in in the first 1,000 days of life, especially in the face of climate and economic crises.

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