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Save the Children US
The Care of the Newborn Reference Manual was written to guide the training of all health care workers in the best practices for the health and survival of newborn infants, particularly in developing countries. The information and skills provided in the pages that follow are essential for those caring for all newborns in the first 28 days of life, whether community-based health workers, nurses, midwives, or physicians.The authors designed this manual to meet many different needs. It is a technical resource for trainers, tutors, and facilitators and a useful resource for health providers and those who develop or manage comprehensive maternal and child health programs. It can be used in its entirety or adapted to suit a particular audience, need, or country setting. Essential newborn care can be integrated into existing efforts, such as child health, reproductive health, and safe motherhood, or adapted to enhance the newborn component of training programs, to introduce special topics to short in-service programs, or to update a health care provider’s pre-service curriculum
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