Childwatch Research Ethics Report 2011.pdf
Reports, Study: Research

Building Capacity for Ethical Research with Children and Young People: An international research to examine the ethical issues and challenges in undertaking research with and for children in different majority and minority world contexts

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University of Otago Centre for Research on Children and Families

Since 2010, a Childwatch group has been working on an international project “Building Capacity for Ethical Research with Children & Young People”. This has arisen out of Childwatch’s commitment to encouraging ethical research practices through the provision of up-to-date information, training and resources to secure high-quality, effective and creative research studies with children.This report presents the findings from the Childwatch project. It is believed to be the first international project of its kind that has been launched to identify and explore the ethical issues facing researchers, in a range of contexts, when undertaking research with children, particularly in relation to participatory research with children.

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