Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Reports, Study: Evaluations

Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavioral Change Among Security and Defense Forces: Experiences and Lessons from East, West and Central Africa

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Save the Children International

This report focuses on the impact of child protection training on the behaviour of security and defense force personnel, with specific focus on trainings previously conducted by Save the Children in East, West and Central Africa. A central question is whether the lessons of the classroom are translated into field operations in ways that enhance the protection and well-being of children living in wars or post-conflict situations

This report has relied on a variety of sources. A central reference point is the studies and evaluations conducted by Save the Children on child protection training. Reports by other agencies such as the DPKO and UNICEF, both of whom have a strong commitment to this work, have also been important.

Concluding remarks are made in the form of recommendations based on the findings of the assessment questionnaires. Areas in need of improvement are highlighted in a number of topics: the overall guidelines, training materials, support for trainers, post-training and programme support, etc. 


A summary of this report is available here.

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