Child Friendly Materials, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Antistress Gamebook for PsychoSocial Support of children – Книга ігор для психосоціальної підтримки дітей

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Save the Children Ukraine

The Antistress Gamebook is designed with children’s safety, well-being and learning in mind.

The main advantages of game activity for children are followings:

  • In the process of game, children learn to better understand their own emotions and bodily feelings. While following the rules and following the order of actions in games, children acquire the skills of self-regulation and self-control. And it is through these skills children learn to understand their own needs and the needs of others
  • In the process of implementation of joint actions with other participants during the game, children learn to build effective interaction, receive positive emotions from communication with others. This is what makes it possible for the child to form a positive perception of the community and society, which, in turn, provides an opportunity to significantly restore and improve the feeling of personal security and well-being;
  • With the help of games children’s sense of social inclusion increases, and a large number of high-quality social bonds are formed
  • Games provide an opportunity to get help in overcoming negative memories through projected / repeated new positive experiences

Our recommendations for using games in psychosocial activities with children comes down to the following algorithm:

  1. Create a positive emotional background for a child, a sense of joy and satisfaction arising from their functional capabilities precisely during the game activity which comes natural to children.
  2. Unite children through play, develop in them a sense of satisfaction from the process of joint activities with peers. In other words, to teach a child to build an emotionally positive community and effective models of social interaction

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