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ACERWC, The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child,ACPF, African Child Policy Forum,CLC, The Community Law Centre, University of Western Cape,IHRDA, The Institute of Human Rights and Development in Africa,Plan International,Save the Children International,Save the Children Sweden,The African Union Commission Department of Social Affairs
The African Children’s Charter Project (ACCP) is a multi-partner, multi-location four-year project whose central goal is to promote the implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) in the African Union.
This publication provides background information on the partners involved in the ACCP, as well as the goals and documents which form its foundation – most notably the ACRWC. In addition, ACCP-produced documentation, such as toolkits and guidelines, are also presented and briefly reviewed.
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ACERWC, The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, ACPF, African Child Policy Forum, CLC, The Community Law Centre, University of Western Cape, IHRDA, The Institute of Human Rights and Development in Africa, Plan International, Save the Children International, Save the Children Sweden, The African Union Commission Department of Social Affairs
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