Adolescent Transition in West Africa (ATWA) Outcome Evaluation 2021-2022 Endline Report thumbnail
Study: Evaluations

Adolescent Transition in West Africa (ATWA) Outcome Evaluation 2021-2022 Endline Report

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Center on Gender Equity and Health at the University of California San Diego,GRADE Africa,Save the Children International

The Adolescent in Transition in West Africa (ATWA) program was a four-year program, catalyzing the provision of Life Skills and Sexual and Reproductive Health Education in school and community settings in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. An evaluation in year one of the program capitalized on repeated cross-sectional cluster randomized control trial design. After one year of program implementation the ATWA program showed promise on a range of indicators – from improved knowledge of modern contraceptive methods and STI risk, prevention and treatment – to increased likelihood of using hygienic menstrual management practices. The impact was, however, limited in Year one. This is likely due to variation in program dose which was impacted by variations in topics that teachers covered in specific grades, and in what topics they decided to teach, as well as a delay of the in-school intervention in Mali, and ongoing security concerns caused by political instability in the region.

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