Reports, Study: Research

Addressing the Humanitarian-Development Nexus in the Horn of Africa

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Save the Children International

Protracted crises resulting from prolonged conflict, recurring drought, and natural hazards, as well as cycles of displacement characterize several parts of the Horn of Africa (HoA). The scale of crises, stretched resources and the need to support communities to step out of the cycles of dependence on humanitarian assistance have resulted in several initiatives, including the resilience agenda aimed at enabling a transition into recovery and development.

The New Way of Working (NWoW) is among such initiatives aimed at addressing the existing separation between humanitarian and development interventions in protracted crises. This report is aimed at informing the NWoW reform process currently underway by contextualizing its application, identifying progress and challenges in the HoA specifically in pilot NWoW countries – Ethiopia and Somalia. It further evaluates the applicability of the NWoW in the education sector, emphasizing a need to link short and long-term education interventions, and build on education best practices in the region. 

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