ACT | EAST Program Barrier & Facilitator Analysis, Tanzania thumbnail
Study: Research

ACT | EAST Program Barrier & Facilitator Analysis, Tanzania

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Save the Children Tanzania,Save the Children US

To inform the Social Behavior Change (SBC) project activities, the Act to End NTD through Save the Children has conducted a mixed-methods barrier and facilitator analysis to determine barriers and facilitators for improving MDA uptake and those who would also contribute to the elimination and control of NTDs. Specific study objectives include:
1. Common touchpoints (medication access point) where community members will be motivated or demotivated to participate in the MDAs.
2. Determine water, hygiene, and sanitation behaviors as they relate to exposure.
3. Factors influencing community members to use and not-use, as well as delay initiation and discontinuation, of NTD treatment.
4. Solutions for potential activities based on the barriers and facilitators identified, and the perceived feasibility of implementation.

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