Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

2015 U.S. Programs: Child sponsorship

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Save the Children US

Since 1938, Save the Children U.S. Programs has worked within numerous states and with local organizations to design Sponsorship programs tailored to meet the unique and ever-changing needs of children. In 2015, the organization was working in 11 states, including Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia, in regions where children face hardships daily. Poor access to quality education, poverty and obesity were just a few of these hardships. To address these difficulties, Save the Children placed an emphasis on teacher training, health education and literacy. 

In this report, you can see how Save the Children continues to do whatever it takes to give children in the United States a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.

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