Young Voices: Find out what young people really think

By: Save the Childrens Resource Centre

Last updated: 2024-12-17

Adults often believe they know exactly what young people need and want, but they seldom actually ask them. Through Young Voices’ national surveys and focus groups, so far more than 35,000 young people worldwide have been able to make their voices heard, raising issues that concern them: problems with safety in schools, worries about being bullied or stressed, and not being able to be in school because of costs.

“No one has ever asked what we think.” Young person, Young voices- Sweden

Young people have provided not only their perspectives, but also their solutions and high hopes for the future – and they have been heard. Together with young people, Save the Children with partners have presented the results to the media, public and responsible decision-makers.

“They ask us, they consult us, but they never do what we tell them they should do,” Young person, Young Voices – Kosovo

Young Voices is a fact-based advocacy and communications tool available to all Save the Children country offices and Members together with partners – made at low costs and in innovative ways with youth participating at all stages. It was developed by Save the Children Sweden as a tool to find out how well young people’s rights were respected. The methodology has been used in a number of countries including Kosovo, Peru, Jordan, Mongolia, Albania, Armenia and Lithuania – and is now spreading.

“I want to grow up faster, because I want to be heard,” child, Lithuania (Young Voices – Lithuania)

Young Voices is a tailor-made process, made to fit the specific country context in the best way possible, so you can use the results to create change. To know more about results and how Young voices is a project with many tools: read our brochure.

“There was strong public interest in the results and the report has been a valuable advocacy tool for better representation and services for children.” Tsolmon Enkhbat, Project manager for Young voices in Mongolia, Save the Children Mongolia

There is also a step-by-step manual available for Save the Children staff.

You can of course use the excellent national statistics and quotes from young people from already existing Young voices surveys.

Be sure to visit Young voices reports, short films and innovative communication materials and subscribe to receive updates when new content is added.

For additional information on the project, you may also read our Young Voices Story.

To learn more about Young Voices, contact the Project Manager Barbara Voors,, from Save the Children Sweden.

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